Joining the Campaign provides our community access to the resources, networking, and tools being collected at a national level, all at no cost. With more than 240 other communities, the Campaign focuses on sharing best practices and providing communities with support to help children reach reading proficiency. Learn more about the Campaign at their website.
Reading into Success is not a program. It is a collaboration of non-profits, businesses, and schools working together to share resources and best practices to support the work of the schools in helping children achieve reading proficiency.
As a collaboration, Reading into Success (RiS) is not run by one organization in the traditional sense. The Steering Committee meets monthly to review the work of RiS and provide suggestions to help the subcommittees meet their goals. In addition, the United Way of East Central Iowa provides staff time to coordinate the behind the scenes work.
School Readiness, Attendance, and Summer Learning are all part of the Campaign for Grade Level Reading. Our teams added Hope & Well-being and Every Day Reading due to the importance of supporting children’s mental and physical health, and a desire to inspire all of the community to get involved to make reading a part of every day life.